Old Orchard Beach Maine

Top of The Pier Shows.....2024





Thursday ....6-9 pm

Friday............6-9 pm

Saturday......6-9 pm

Sunday..........6-9 pm

“A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have.” ~Thomas Jefferson

“If people cannot write well, they can not read well and if they can ot read well, they cannot think well, and if they cannot think well, others will do their thinking for them.”
― George Orwell

When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination.”
— Thomas Sowell

Just a reminder 

This is Adrian's last year

coming up North

Please help make it a memorable sendoff with your happy faces

hugs and handshakes 


And don't forget the 

Sons of the Beach 

performance at

The Brunswick Hotel

on Labor Day Monday September 2nd

we tried 3 years ago but got rained out , so hopefully  

this will be a proper goodye

with sun and fun 


Many  Thanks to you all 

We Love You 

Adrian's 36 year Anniversary and final year  in OOB will be August 17 th

Please come for a proper send off  at the end and Top of the Peir  

and his last day for the Pier will be Sunday September 1st